How to Write a Leave Request Email as a Graduate

Posted by GradConnection

Graduates are typically required to send a leave request email to their employer when unpreventable or unforeseeable circumstances require them to take time off work. It is important for graduates to know how to effectively write a leave request email so that their request can be approved.

What is a leave request email?

A leave request email is a common method with which employees can request to take time off work from their employers. A leave request email should communicate to your employer the reasons behind your request for extended absence from the workplace. This communication is vital, not only to maintain a professional and courteous relationship, but so that your employer can better understand your request and be more likely to approve it. The leave request should be communicated to the employer by the agreed upon medium of communication already established. This is usually an email or a letter. 

Companies may have their own procedures surrounding leave requests. This can include mandating supporting documentation to be submitted alongside the request to demonstrate why leave is required. Company policy may also require employees to submit a form when making a leave request. 

Why should you write a leave request email?

If your company has alternative methods of requesting leave, a leave request email is a common professional courtesy that informs your supervisor or manager of your intention to take time off work. It also allows them to make work arrangements during your absence and record a valid reason for the time off. 

How to write a leave request email?

Here are some tips and factors to consider when writing a leave request email.

Step 1: Workplace policy

Before writing an email, employees should consult their workplace’s policy for taking and requesting leave. The policy may require alternative or additional steps than those outlined in this article. It is important that you follow the procedures of your place of employment carefully to maximise your chances of having your request approved in a timely manner. The workplace policy will also highlight important information for requesting leave, including how much notice the employee should provide, the amount of leave the employer allows, the paid benefits associated with leave, and the method for submitting the request. Workplace policy for leave may be found in your employment contract, an employee handbook, or it can be sourced directly from your manager or the human resources department. 

 Step 2: Plan

After you have understood the company policy, you should determine all the details that you need to communicate to your employer so that your request can be approved. This will depend on the company policy but will most likely include information on what type of leave you are requesting, the reasons for requiring leave from work, supporting documentation that proves that you require leave, and when you intend to leave and return to work. You may also make mention of alternative work arrangements that you have organised or intend to organise. It is important that all the relevant information is provided to the employer so that they can fast-track your request. Otherwise, further communication will be required as your employer attempts to clarify or seek additional information from you. This may mean that your request is not approved in time for your desired departure date from work.

Step 3: Subject line and recipient 

The subject line of the email should be direct and concise yet effectively communicate the purpose of the email to the recipient. The recipient of the email will depend on who the company requires employees to direct leave requests to. This might be your supervisor, manager, or the human resources department. As this is a professional email where you are requesting time off work, make sure to use appropriate greetings and the recipient’s full name.

Step 4: Request leave

Begin by explaining the reason for your email. Inform the employer that you would like time off work. Specify the type of leave that you are requesting and for how long you plan to be away from work. Read our article on the different types of leave here.

Step 5: Reasons

The body of the email should consist of the detailed reasons for why you require leave. Ensure that you provide sufficient information so the employer can make an informed decision on whether to approve your request or not. It is common courtesy to provide reasons for being away. This way, the employer can determine whether your request for leave fits within the terms of your employment contract. If you feel uncomfortable divulging the personal reason behind your request, provide a brief explanation so that the employer still knows what kind of leave you are requesting. This will help in determining whether you receive paid or unpaid leave. For example, if you wish to take time off work because you require treatment for a medical condition, you can simply inform the employer that you require leave for private health matters and provide a doctor’s certificate as evidence. 

Step 6: Documentation

Company policy may require you to provide supporting documentation that proves why you require leave. You can attach this evidence to your email, or you can offer to provide it if the employer requires it. 

Step 7: Arrangements

You may choose to explain to the employer the arrangements you have made or are prepared to make to compensate for your absence. This includes information about whether another employee has agreed to cover your shifts, the reassignment of tasks to other members of a team, or reassurance that you will complete certain obligations before your leave commences. This can help reassure the employer that granting you leave will not be disruptive to the company. 

Step 8: Contact information

When on leave, you are unlikely to check your work email. You can choose to provide additional means of contact to the employer during your leave, like a phone number or a personal email address. While you are not required to work during leave, providing contact information is a professional courtesy so that the employer can still reach you if they have pressing questions.

Step 9: Express thanks

End the email by expressing your gratitude and thanks for the employer for taking the time to read your email and to consider your request. You can also signal that you are able to provide additional information, supporting documentation or answer any questions. This reinforces a tone of professionalism after making a request from an employer. It also demonstrates appreciation and open communication. This maintains a positive relationship between you and your employer. Lastly, sign-off the email.

Leave request email template

Subject: [Type of leave] request

Dear [manager/supervisor/human resources department],

I am writing this email to request [type of leave]. I intend to be away from the office from [departure date] to [return date]. 

I am requesting leave because [reason for leave]. I have attached [supporting documentation].

I would like to offer my reassurance that my leave will not affect my work. [Name of colleague] has agreed to fulfil [responsibilities]. I will also complete the work on [project/task] before I begin my leave. I am also happy to answer any questions that may arise during my absence. The team can contact me at [personal email address].

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and to consider my [type of leave] leave request. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or clarification. 

Kind regards,


Leave request email example

Subject: Carer’s Leave Request

Dear Polly Sanders,

I am writing this email to request carer’s leave. I intend to be away from the office from 12 February to 1 March. 

I am requesting leave because unfortunately my partner has been in an accident and requires a carer during their recovery period. I have attached a doctor’s certificate as supporting documentation.

I would like to offer my reassurance that my leave will not affect my work. As previously discussed, we have worked together to ensure the rest of the team covers my work load during my time off. I will also complete the work on the new code of conduct policy before my leave begins. I am also happy to answer any questions that may arise during my absence. The team can contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and to consider my carer’s leave request. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or clarification. 

Kind regards,



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