How to Combine Your Passion with Work

Posted by Aala Cheema

A substantial factor that influences career satisfaction is the passion that a graduate feels for their job and the company that they work for. It is important for graduates to enjoy their job as it takes up much of their daily life. This article will provide advice on how you can combine your passion with your work to ensure that you have a fulfilling professional career. 

Are Graduates dissatisfied? 

According to the University of Melbourne’s 2023 State of the Future of Work Report, Australian workers are exhausted and unwell. One third of workers were at risk of quitting. This describes a pitfall that some graduates may fall into. They may have a successful position at an impressive company yet still feeling that they wish to do something more meaningful. This dissatisfaction can feel grating as it may come after years of working diligently to achieve what they may have thought of as their ‘dream’ career. They may also feel internalised or externalised pressure to be grateful.

However, graduates who are passionate about the work they are doing are always happier, more enthusiastic, and satisfied with their life. 

What are some challenges to combining passion with work?


Graduates may naturally feel uncertain about pursuing their passion. The possibility of failure can be daunting and cripples them with self-doubt. A strategy to reconcile with these feelings is to seriously consider the worst case scenario that could arise. Often, our own hesitancy is caused by a penchant for jumping to the worst conclusion. “What if I fail,” you may find yourself thinking. Yes, but what if you succeed. By identifying the real possibilities that may arise, you can then prepare action plans to remedy such situations. For example, if you are scared about the possibility of lost income in the first few months while you get your business up and running, then perhaps you should lay off resigning from your current job until you have sufficient funds saved up for that possibility.

Financial Security and Job Stability

In this economy, it is nonetheless vital for graduates to be considerate of what pathways can secure successful employment and careers. Financial security and job stability are the two most pressing factors that influence our profession. It is imperative that you balance your values, interests, and aspirations with the reality of the job market. You may not always be able to pursue what you love as you may not be able to earn a living from it. Being fulfilled does not necessarily mean that you have to incorporate your passion into your professional life. There are other ways to combine your passion with work without quitting your job. For example, if you are passionate about acting and drama but recognise that you are unlikely to succeed in the film and television industry, you may choose to keep your daytime finance job but also perform in plays and productions run by your local community theatre. 

How to combine passion with work?

Here are some steps to follow to secure the right balance between passion and work:

Step 1: Decide what your objectives are

This means determining what you wish to get from your professional life. What are you most interested in accomplishing? Do you wish to have a secure and financially rewarding career, or is your personal fulfilment in your work more important for you? By deciding your objectives, you can more effectively identify what kind of job you are looking for. 

Step 2: Decide what your passion is

This may seem self-explanatory, but for some graduates in their first job out of university, they may know that they are unfulfilled but they are also at a loss for what will make them fulfilled. To be able to combine your passion with your work first requires you to have a passion. For some people, their passion is easily identifiable; it may be something they have loved since childhood, or something they discovered at university. For others, they may be at a loss to what they actually feel enthused about. Discovering your passion can take time and demands a certain openness to new experiences. Your passion does also not have to be something that you are naturally gifted at or something that you excel in. It may take time for you to gain some competency so you must be patient and open to failure. You may also choose to consult someone that you admire when you are trying to discover your passion. Perhaps it's their passion and vivacity for their work that rubs off on you and you might share similar interests.

Step 3: Develop your skills

While you may be passionate about something, you may not have the competency to excel at it as a full-time occupation. It is important to develop your skills, gain knowledge, and hone your expertise so that you are positioned for success. This may mean completing further education or training.

Step 4: Network

You may find it beneficial to connect with like-minded individuals. This can allow you to gain advice, guidance, and opportunities that can better position you to pursue your passion as a career.

Step 5: Pursue your goals

This means doing what you love. Depending on your passion, this may be easy or difficult. However, there are ways to combine your passion with work without completely changing your career. For example, if you are passionate about remedying inequity within your community, you may choose to work as a lawyer for Legal Aid. If you are passionate about art, you may decide to teach a painting class at your local retirement house in the evenings. If you are passionate about helping underprivileged children in your neighbourhood, you may offer English language classes after school at the local school. There are many ways to feel fulfilled in your professional life. 

You do not have to actively make your passion your work. Instead, the interests, abilities, skills, and values associated with your passion can be translated to a career. This can help you feel fulfilled and engaged in your work, and improve your overall well being.

If you have several passions, you can diversify your career by having a variety of income streams. You may work several part-time jobs, or work as a freelancer. This can allow you to explore a range of interests and not feel constrained. 

As the saying goes, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

About The Author

Aala is studying Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at the Australian National University. She is passionate about law, literature, and history, and has been published by ABC News.


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