Journals and Magazines for Graduate Writers

Posted by Aala Cheema

Journals and magazines are ideal publications for graduate writers. They provide an opportunity to get published, earn payment, and bulk up your resume to demonstrate your skills and writing experience to prospective employers. Here is a list of Australian journals and magazines that accept submissions alongside key information to consider before submitting your work. 

Aniko Press

Aniko Press is an independent publishing company that aims to publish the “unique, exciting and challenging” work of new and emerging writers. 

Guess Book Review

Book reviews are accepted each month that coincide with the tone and style of the magazine. In particular, there is a focus on literary fiction, short story collections, poetry, experimental nonfiction and graphic novels, prioritising recent releases. Book reviews must consist of both literary criticism and personal opinion.

Word Count: 600-900 words

Payment: $50

Completed reviews can be submitted to [email protected]

Flash Fiction Competition

The competition is run biannually, in the winter and summer. During two submission rounds in each season, flash fiction pieces are accepted.

Word Count: 100 words

Payment: Publication on website and copy of latest issue

Magazine Submission

The magazine publishes ten to fifteen pieces of unpublished poetry, flash fiction, short stories and creative nonfiction that responds to the issue’s theme.

Payment: $125

Submissions are to be emailed to [email protected].


Arena is committed to debating and developing new ideas about society and the world. It is interested in people and communities and their shared cultural histories.

Arena Online

Articles that provide commentary on social and political issues are published fortnightly.

Word Count: 800-1200 words

Payment: nil

Submissions are made through their website.

Magazine Submission

The magazine is released quarterly, publishing critical articles about Australia and the planet on 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, and 1 December. The deadline is at least one month before the publication date.

Word Count: 2,500-4,500 words (essays) / 3,000-3,500 words (review essays)

Payment: nil

Submissions are made through their website.

Archer Magazine

Archer is a non-fiction publication about sexuality, gender and identity. It is published biannually. Submissions are also open year-round for the online website.

Written content

Word Count: 800-1,200 words

Payment: $100 (online) / payment for magazine publication is determined individually

Pitches can be made to [email protected].


The publication also accepts photography.

Payment: $50 (single image) / $150 (image essay magazine: 8-10 images) / $50-$100 (image essay online)

Submissions can be made to [email protected].


Aurealis is a science fiction and fantasy publication. Submissions are open for Australian writers between 1 February to 30 September.


Writers can submit science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories.

Word Count: 2,000-8,000 words

Payment: $20-$60 (per 1,000 words)

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].


Non-fiction articles on topics pertaining to science fiction, fantasy and horror are accepted.

Word Count: 500-2,000 words

Payment: $20 (per 1,000 words)

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].


Samples of black and white artwork are accepted.

Payment: $25 (black and white story illustrations)

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].

Book Review

Reviews of novels, anthologies, collections and non-fiction in the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres are accepted.

Queries can be emailed to [email protected].

Australian Book Review

The ABR releases a monthly magazine that publishes reviews, essays, commentaries, interviews, and new creative writing. It is also interested in publishing long-form journalism on topics of politics and culture. 
Pitches can be emailed to [email protected].


Word Count: 950 words

Reviews can be emailed to [email protected].

Payment: provided but no specific rate listed


Reviews for theatre, film, television, opera, music, dance, festivals, and art exhibitions are accepted.

Word count: 800-850 words

Interested writers can contact [email protected].

Payment: provided but no specific rate listed

Baby Teeth Journal

Baby Teeth is an online journal. They accept work of almost all mediums. However, they do not accept non-fiction, personal essays or articles. They accept memoirs.

Word Count: 3-15 photographs (photography) / 10 minutes (audio and spoken word) / 1-12 pages (poetry) / 2,500 words (prose) / 15 pages (script) / 3-15 artworks (visual art and illustration) 15 pages/images (comics) / 15 images (visual poetry)

Payment: $25 (flat rate for all submissions)

A $3 submission fee must be paid via the website to obtain access to submission instructions.

Cicerone Journal

Cicerone is an online journal that publishes fiction, non-fiction and poetry in three issues per year. While submissions are currently closed, information will be posted here when they reopen.

Cordite Poetry Review

The Cordite Poetry Review is a quarterly journal that publishes poetry, criticism and research.

Submissions must be sent during official submission periods to be considered.

Word Count: up to 3 poems

Payment: provided but not listed

Submission can be made through the website here.

Cordite Scholarly

Unpublished research may be submitted year round.

Word Count: 10,000 words

Payment: provided but not listed

Curiouser Magazine

Curiouser Magazine is a bi-annual literary journal . The magazine publishes prose and poetry of the magical realism genre.

Word Count: 5,000 (short fiction) / 750 (flash fiction)

Payment: $50-$75 (flash fiction) / $80-$140 (short fiction)

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].

Djed Press

Djed Press is an online publication that exclusively publishes people of colour writers in order to close the gap of insufficient representation. Previously unpublished short fiction, narrative nonfiction, opinion pieces, poetry and visual art is accepted.

Word count: 3,000 words (written) / three minutes (video)

Payment (written text): $50 (<500 words) / $75 (500-1,000 words) / $100 (1,000-1,500 words) / $150 (1,500-3,000 words)

Payment (Video): $30 (< 1 minute) / $40 (1-2 minutes) / $50 (2-3 minutes)

Payment (Visual Art): $50 (simple) / $75 (moderate) / $100 (complex)

Pitches and submissions can be emailed to [email protected].


Frankie Magazine is published bi-monthly and features music, art, fashion, photography, design, food and travel content.

The website makes no mention of word limits or payment.

Pitches or finished submissions can be emailed to [email protected] for writers, and [email protected] for photographers, illustrators and artists.

Going Down Swinging

Going Down Swinging is a literary journal that publishes digital, print and audio anthologies.


The online site publishes a variety of forms including fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, comics, artwork, spoken word, commentary, and essays.

Word Count: 2,000 words

Payment: $60 (prose <500 words) / $170 (prose >500 words) / $100 (poem) / $180 (comic <5 frames) / $220 (comic >5 frames)

Print submissions are currency closed, but updates can be found here.

Griffith Review

Griffith Review is a literary journal that publishes essays, short fiction, poetry and visual art four times a year. They also publish content online.


Non-fiction call-outs are open four times a year. Submissions must align to the particular edition theme.

Fiction call-outs are open two times a year. Submissions are not required to align to the edition theme.

Poetry call-outs are open four times a year. Submissions are not required to align to the edition theme.

The remaining issues of 2024 are as follows:

  • Griffith Review 84: Attachment Styles (May): going beyond the family tree to consider our myriad emotional bonds (Non-fiction).
  • Griffith Review 85: Status Anxiety (August): exploring the fallout of our status anxiety.
  • Griffith Review 86: Leaps of Faith (November): examining the many faces of faith and belief and how they shape us.

Word Count: 4,000 words

Payment: $0.75/word (fiction and nonfiction) / $200 (poem)


The online site publishes commentary pieces.

Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words

Paymet: $500

Submissions can be made through the website.

Hyades Magazine

Hyades Magazine is an online magazine that publishes short fiction and poetry.

Word Count: 1,000 (fiction) / 8 pages (1-4 poems)

Payment: No payment provided

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].


Island is a literary print and online magazine that publishes fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and arts features. Typically, between 2 and 4 issues a year are published.


The website publishes fiction and non-fiction.

Word Count: 1,500 words

Payment: $450

Submissions can be made through the website.


The magazine publishes fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.

Word Count: 4,000 words (fiction and nonfiction)

Payment: $0.40/word (between $700-$1500 for fiction and non-fiction) / $175 (poetry)

Submissions can be made through the website.

Kill Your Darlings

Kill Your Darlings is an online magazine that publishes commentary, essays, interviews, reviews, and fiction.

Writers must be subscribers to submit work.

Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words (article) / 400-500 words (book review)

Payment: $300 (article) / $100 (book review)

Submissions can be made through the website here.


Meanjin is published both online and quarterly in print. They accept different types of submission which are listed below.

State of the Nation

Articles that provide perspectives on Australia.

Word Count: 750-1,500 words


Essays that explore matters of public interest.

Word Count: 2,500-5,000 words


Short stories are accepted.

Word Count: 2,000-4,000 words


Book reviews, criticism and critique are accepted.

Word Count: 1,500-3,000 words


Experimental pieces are accepted.

Word Count: 1-2 pages


Graphic work and poetry is also accepted.

Payment: $0.30/word (prose) / $250 (poetry)

Submissions can be made through the website here.

Overland Literary Journal

Overland’s quarterly print journal publishes essays, stories and poetry, while the online site publishes cultural commentary.


Topics of interest for non-fiction articles can be found here. Pitches on other areas can also be made. Pitches and submission can be made through the website.

Word Count: 800-1,200 words

Payment: $150


Word count: 3,000 words

Payment: $500 (fiction and essays) / $150 (poems)

Submissions can be made through the website


Peppermint is a quarterly print and digital magazine that publishes content focused on “style, sustainability, and substance.”  In particular, submissions should pertain to ethical fashion, diversity, climate action, inclusivity, slow living, sewing and DIY, and social justice.

Specifically, it accepts submissions of photography, illustration and written work.

Word Count: not mentioned

Payment: not mentioned

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].


Quadrant is published ten times a year. It publishes literature, poetry and essays around political and historical debates. Word

Count: 1,500-2,000 words (articles and stories) / 800-2,000 words (book reviews)

Payment: included but not listed

Non-fiction articles and letters to the editor can be submitted to [email protected].

Poetry can be sent to [email protected].

Fiction can be sent to [email protected].

Right Now Magazine

This publication is centred on human rights. It accepts opinion and analysis pieces, journalism, interviews, fiction and poetry, reviews, and multimedia submissions.

Word Count: 1,000 words

Payment: depending on grants received by the magazine

Pitches and submission can be sent to [email protected].


Scum is an online literary magazine that publishes writing from a feminist lens. Submissions are open from 1st-7th of every month. Submissions must fit within one of the following categories: “fiction”, “rant”, “memoir”, “column”, “poetry”, and/or “review”.

Word Count: 1,000 words / 50 lines (poetry)

Payment: nil

Submissions can be emailed to [email protected].

Stereo Stories

The publication publishes short stories, memoirs and non-fiction centred around songs.

Word Count: 800 words

Payment: nil

Submissions can be made through the website.

The Saltbush Review

The Saltbush Review aims to celebrate South Australia. It publishes literary fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction centred around an issue theme.

Word Count: 3,000 words

Payment: $150 (fiction and nonfiction) / $100 (poetry and flash fiction)

Submissions can be made through the website.

The Suburban Review

The Suburban Review releases a quarterly digital magazine centred around an issue comprising fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, and visual art.

Submission openings are posted here.

Fiction and creative non-fiction

Payment: $275 (2,000-2,500 words) / $200 (1,000-2,000 words) / $150 (500-1,000 words)


Payment: $275 (suite of three poems) / $175 (>30 lines) / $125 (<30 lines)

Comics and Art

Payment: $200 (2-page comic) / $100 (1-page illustration) / $300 (1-page cover art)


The journal features writing from writers under the age of 25. It accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art and comics.


Word Count: 3,000 words (fiction and nonfiction) / 100 lines (poetry)

Payment: $100 (written work and art) / $150 (multi-page comics or suites of art)


Word Count: 3,000 words (fiction and nonfiction) / 100 lines (poetry) / 10 pages (comics)

Payment: $100-$150 (depending on length and format)

Submissions can be made through the website.

Westerly Magazine

Westerly publishes short stories, micro-fiction, poetry, memoir, creative nonfiction, artwork, essays and scholarly articles.

Word Count: 50 lines (poetry) / 3,500 words (fiction and creative nonfiction) / 5,000 words (scholarly articles) / 500-700 words (reviews)

Payment: $250 (one poem) / $300 (poetic sequence) / $300 (prose and scholarly work) / $300 (visual art and photo essays) / $180 (online publication)

Submissions can be made through the website.

About The Author

Aala is studying Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at the Australian National University. She is passionate about law, literature, and history, and has been published by ABC News.


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