GradConnection February Traffic Update

Posted by Resh Perera

One month through the graduate peak season and we’re excited to say that we are already breaking some of our benchmarks from last year. This is the first time that we’ve cracked over 1 million unique pageviews in February!

This means that more students are engaging with GradConnection and using it to view more employer profiles. This February we also had students make close to 60,000 different searches on our site, that’s over 2,000 searches a day!

More importantly from all the searches and pageviews students made over 40,000 applications in February and we expect this is to be much higher in March, with majority of graduate program applications coming close to an end.

If you are yet to open your application on GradConnection please don’t forget to get in contact with Rita ([email protected]) or your Account Manager.

We’re excited for March and wish everyone who is in the midst of their graduate recruitment the best of luck!


Enter an employer or university you want to find in our search bar.