Over the years (and being the slight data nerds that we are), we have spent countless hours looking at campaign performance and results to see if certain things worked better than others. We’ve found just the smallest differences in timings can separate a great campaign from a good one. Follow these small tips below to help you get the most interest:
1. Open Dates
We have found that the best day to open is typically a Tuesday or Wednesday. Once everyone is back on campus and settled in to their week not only are they more receptive they are more prone to actioning this as well.
2. Close Dates
Always on a week day. Graduates have various “commitments” on weekends which result in a much lower application rate over the final days.
3. Closing Time
Always close applications at midnight! The biggest hiccups we see with graduates submitting last minute applications is being caught out by a close of business deadline. Remember, this is how they usually submit their assignments!
4. Multiple Office Locations
Another point of confusion is multiple closing dates for multiple locations. Whilst not always avoidable this does make it simpler for graduates to get information and plan their applications.
5. Application Window
We have found 3 – 6 weeks is an optimal window. Anything shorter is not long enough and anything longer does not result in dramatically more applicants.
Best of luck getting throught he 2015 peak season which is already in full swing!
The GradConnection Team