AGRIA's 2013 - thanks for your support!

Posted by Daniel Purchas

Myself and the rest of the GradConnection team just want to say a big Thank You to everyone who felt we were worthy enough to be nominated for The Best Supplier to the Graduate industry as a company, and for also nominating myself and Dave for Best Contribution to the Graduate recruitment industry on a personal level as well. Also a big congratulations to all of the other AGRIA winners and finalists!

Best Supplier

Once again, thanks to all of our clients for nominating us and judging us to be the best supplier in the Australian graduate recruitment market for 2013. This award is a really great award for us as a company to win this year as the criteria was based around judging the service levels provided by us as a supplier in a more balanced score card approach so we are really pleased to have picked this award up considering we were up against some long time Grad Industry veterans like Fusion Graduate Consultancy and Unimail/Harteffect.

I thought it would also be good to give another shout out to our IT team. Most of you will probably only know Myself, Dave, Mike, Andrew & Resh as the GradConnection guys, but there is another side to the team that you may not get to see often if at all and that is the GradConnection IT team:

GradConnection's IT Team

Den, Jono, Prakash, Eric, Abi – photo taken by Ron our Graphic Designer

These guys put in some long hours to design, build and test the GradConnection platform and to make sure it is up and running to help both graduates and employers alike to connect online and the rest of us in the client team couldn’t do what we do without them.

Also a big thanks to the recruiters, University Staff and other Suppliers who take the time out to catch up with us and make suggestions and share information, it really helps us to keep on top of what is happening out there in Grad Land and come up with new ideas and ways to keep things interesting.

Contribution to the Graduate Recruitment and Development Industry

I was really surprised to get nominated for this award last year in 2012 let alone win the award and now again for the 2nd time in 2013. I remember a quote from a speech Ben Reeves gave one year when he picked up this award which was “I feel like I’m just doing my day job” which is generally how I feel about the whole thing too, so to all the clients who work direclty with me that recommended me for this award, thanks so much for the recognition.

I was really pleased to see Dave get nominated for this award this year as I thought he was going to win which would have meant he would have to do a speech instead of me at the awards dinner. Dave also covers a lot of ground every year similar to myself and we do generally have client bases in different industry sectors which helps me a lot to get a better perspective on the overall graduate recruitment market.

Also, thanks again to the AAGE Committee members and Directors as I think these guys definitely help to make the AAGE and grad recruitment in Australia what it is today. The AAGE Committee Members and Directors help to run the events throughout the year as well as holding down actual graduate recruitment and development roles.

From co-ordinating and compiling candidate/employer surveys and careers fair attendance reports to helping us pick up soft toys and glow sticks in a night club at 3am in the morning, the AAGE team Ben, Katrina, Shanan, Sam, Olivia +1 blonde lady do a really fantastic job as well so thank you to you guys for all your help over the past few years as well.

So once again, thanks to everyone who has supported us over the past 5 years we have been running GradConnection in Australia and if we don't catch you before the Christmas break, we will see you out on Campus in March next year. 


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