Posted by Nikki Barnard

If you haven’t noticed already, we love it. It has been a fantastic way to communicate and interact with our followers and now we are giving our employers the opportunity to take over our page and broadcast live!

GradConnection goes live

GradConnection is pretty excited about Facebook Live and have been running weekly episodes where we talk about everything from graduate roles and gap years to our exciting University eSports League. We have also been out and about to the Monash University Careers Fair and the Big Meet in Sydney, just to name a few.

Now, we are talking employer Facebook Live takeovers! Employers will have the opportunity to make the most of our audience and communicate their message through this very effective platform. Here they will be able to talk about their graduate program and answer any questions or comments from our Facebook audience live as they are posted.

What you need to know about Facebook Live

Facebook, never ones to remain stagnant, launched Facebook Live a year ago. The live video streaming function, which lets anyone broadcast live videos from their mobile device straight to their Facebook News Feed, has certainly got off to a flying start and has taken off on both a personal and business level. When launched, Mark Zuckerberg said that “when you interact live, you feel connected in a more personal way” and that is exactly what it has done.

From a business standpoint, this simple yet effective concept has allowed organisations to communicate their brand, and build a more personal and interactive relationship with their followers.

How it works

Simple. As long as you are following the GradConnection page you will have the ability to “tune in” to the broadcast. While watching, you are able to comment (or ask a question), which will be seen and responded to by the broadcaster during the live video session.

Just how effective are our Facebook Live takeovers?

Last month, GradConnection went live with Coles to talk about their graduate program which reached almost 29 000 people. With an impressive 9 592 views and 72 reactions, comments and shares, the live video was a tremendous success.

March was a busy month as the GradConnection team also headed off to the Monash University Careers Fair where we are talked with Australia Post, Telstra Careers and Optiver. Again, we saw some great activity with over 5 800 views, 40 reactions, comments and shares and 256 post clicks.

Click here to have a look at some of our videos:

How to takeover GradConnections live videos

If you're interested in doing an episode takeover, get in touch with your account manager.

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