Graduate Industry on Twitter :: Part 2

Posted by Mike Casey

Well it has been nearly a year since I put out my first post for Grad Managers on how to get started on Twitter. Since then quite a bit has changed in the industry, with some of my favourite tweeters leaving the industry and many new ones rolling in. So this post is more than overdue! If you are new to twitter, or are looking for people to follow in the Australian graduate industry then make sure you follow...

Ainsley Gilkes - @ainsleygilkes

Ainsley Gilkes Profile Picture Ainsley is one of the committee members of the AAGE, and is also responsible for OneSteels graduate social media strategy. She is a great person for ideas on how to attract graduates through online attraction strategies including twitter and facebook.

Adam Shay - @shayads

Adam Shay Profile Picture Adam is the managing director of the Face, one of the leading employment brand agencies in areas such as online innovation and online employer brand promotion.

David Talamelli - @DavidTalamelli

David Talamelli Profile Picture Dave is the principal recruiter at Oracle, and despite the fact that he doesn't think Vince Vaughan is a good comedian he regularly blogs about the industry and tweets thought provoking info.

Jessica Booth - @jessicabooth

Jessica Booth Profile Picture Jess is an HR manager at Wotton Kearney. She has been one of the closest and warmest people we have met in HR via twitter. She won the HR Rising star AHRI award in 2009 for her continued innovation in the HR industry especially in Online. Jess is  a great person to get to know when it comes to communicating to graduates in the digital space.

Dan Nuroo - @dannuroo

Dan Naroo Profile Picture Dan is the recruitment manager at DWS consulting. He is an expert on attracting graduates especially in the IT space and has a lot of useful insights into the graduate market. A must follow.

Hayley Warne - @hlwarne

Hayley Warne Profile Picture Hayley is the graduate recruitment manager at Pitcher Partners, and a thought leader in online graduate attraction. She has just come off a very successful marathon Q&A on our forums you can see the post here!

Kelly O'Shaughnessy - @koshaughnessy

Kelly OShaugnessy Profile Picture Kelly was previously the graduate recruitment manager at St George and is now working that Peerlo; one of the most innovative recruitment companies in Australia. Kelly is very clued up in graduate recruitment via social media and all round great value in your twitter feed.

Paul Jacobs - @pauljacobs4real

Paul Jacobs Profile Picture Another person we met on twitter and a fellow kiwi which makes him awesome. Paul creates and manages facebook pages for graduate recruitment in New Zealand. His work has won awards so make sure you have a chat to him on twitter if you are thinking of doing your own thing.

Jared Woods - @jaredw78

Jared Woods Profile Picture Jared was previously the head of employer brand at SKM consulting. He is a great person to follow if you are interested in improving employer brand for your graduate recruitment intake. He is in Melbourne and loves a good cocktail if you are ever looking for some free advice!

Sam Walton - @manthaukinoz

Sam Walton Profile Picture Sam is the grad recruitment manager for Deloitte NSW. She is great value and has a lot of really good insights into how to run campus related events for your graduate recruitment drive. Always out there talking to students with previous experience in Career coaching back in the UK. Its great to hear what Deloitte gets up to on Campus via her tweets.

Victoria Redman - @tolliana | @green_dot

Victoria Redman Profile Picture Victoria is head of employer brand at Deloitte. She is also based in Sydney and a great person to follow with regards to employer brand development, especially when it comes to graduates. You can follow her formal twitter account that she manages for Deloitte too! If you are thinking of starting a twitter account for your program or corporate brand, then make sure you follow her!

Josh McKenzie - @joshuamack

Josh runs DBL, a training company that sepecialises  in L&D for the graduate market in Australia. He is the author of the Graduate Edge and a very good presenter. He can also be contacted by his facebook page if you are interested in furthering your graduates.

David Als - @davidals

David Als Profile Picture David was recently the graduate manager at Macquarie Group before becoming a recruitment consultant and has been involved in strategic talent attraction @ Westpac. He is a consultant for Human Capital Management Solutions and is all about creative and leading edge attraction strategies in HR.

Aylin Ahmet - @aylinahmet

Aylin Ahmet Profile Picture Although not directly involved in the Grad Industry, Aylin is a must follow. She is a research consultant @ Sensis and often tweets research and articles about topics that directly influence the Australian Graduate Industry.

Have I missed you?

To get on this list your twitter account has to be active :) but perhaps I am not following you yet! Just follow me / @ me @mikecasey and I will throw you in!


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