
Posted by Mike Casey

We were very excited to see 10 employers use Graduate@ for their careers fairs this year. It was our first year of operation for our free careers fair registration tool and in March we had over 3300 students register their interest at employer stands.

We had employers use Graduate@ on Ipads, Samsung tablets, laptops and even mobile phones.

Graduate@ in action

A big congratulations has to go to Unilever who collected the most stand registrations, with just over 800.

  • UNSW and UTS were the careers fairs with over 400 registrations each
  • Accounting, Marketing and Commerce students registered the most
  • We estimate that IT, Computer Science and Software Engineering had the highest rate of registrations based on our figures vs student numbers.

The most active students at employers stands were from UNSW followed by UTS over 400 registrations coming from each. Accounting, marketing and commerce students where the most common disciplines that registered.

International Use

We are delighted that Orica and Unilever will be using graduate@ in Africa later this year.

We have had a number of international organisations create stands that have nothing to do with the Australian graduate industry and we are looking forward to seeing how they go during their campus events.

Will you use graduate@ for the Vacation Fairs?

We are hoping to double the number of employers using graduate@ for the vacation fairs this year. Its free and you can set it up in a few minutes to be fully branded for your employer brand. All you need to do is go to to get started!

If you have any questions, or would like a demo please get in contact with us :)



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