As Gen Z finishes their studies in an uncertain time, we see their entry into the professional workforce as a transformative force. In this blog, we provide a comprehensive how-to-guide for recruiting graduates post-pandemic - because recruitment norms are always changing.
In today’s tight labour market, employers know that graduates are spoilt for choices, with the number of graduate roles available outnumbering the number of anticipated candidates. Whilst many claim that recruitment is cyclical, due to unprecedented changes, we are finding that what has previously worked for many employers may no longer be relevant. Here at GradConnection we’ve got all the expert tips to help you attract grad talent amidst a new type of recruiting period – written from the perspective of a 2020 graduate turned account manager.
Establishing a Strong Presence
The key to a high-quality, high-quantity campaign is first by having a strong presence in the graduate environment. Whilst our parent company SEEK is renowned for its wide-reach in experienced professional roles, students know to search on GradConnection to kick start their careers. And unlike experienced professionals whose job searches are short and only begin when they are ready to start their next roles, student and graduate recruitment begins well in advance. Since they spend a minimum of three years in university, the hunt for the ideal employer spans over several years. That’s where GradConnection’s annual employer profiles come in, giving you the ability to showcase your organisation year-round, so you can build your talent pipeline with top candidates who plan their careers early -because nothing beats a long-term strategy in recruitment.
Building Your Employer Profile
An important, often overlooked aspect of graduate recruitment is that students may not be familiar with the lingo of job titles and descriptions. To work around this, at GradConnection students search by disciplines, so that they can learn during their job searches about positions which suit them rather than by confusing them with unseen titles.
Students are keen to learn about your organisation to find the right fit! It’s important to showcase different elements of the company such as: “a day in the life of a graduate”, perks and benefits, the application process, etc. On GradConnection, the employer profile is set up similarly to a social media profile (which we know students are very familiar with) allowing students to easily find which organisation best aligns with their interests.
In our engagements with students, we’re finding that jobs with information about salary, degree and grade requirements often result in a larger number of quality applications. Place yourself in the shoes of the candidates - each graduate job application involves a large time commitment, so they are less likely to apply for roles without these deal-breaking details.
Pitch-Perfect Timing
Another question we’re often asked by clients is: what’s the ideal time to go live? Hire early and struggle with reneges or advertise later and risk losing out on top quality candidates? The toss-up is real!
Whichever approach you may choose to follow, we’re here to help mitigate your risks. If hiring early, it’s important to keep your grads “warm” – assign them a buddy, invite them to in-person social events, offer a part time position in the interim and so much more. This is especially important now that we’re finding that students often keep on looking for jobs even after securing their graduate roles. By building a strong working relationship earlier on, they will be inclined to be more loyal to your organisation and less likely to renege. But the never-ending search also means that if you’re hiring later in the year – there’s no need to despair! There will still be a sizeable number of quality candidates looking around.
As you can see, a lot has changed! And whilst recruiting for grads may appear to be more difficult that it has previously been, there are many strategies you can employ to improve your chances of finding your ideal candidates. For more advice on graduate recruitment, feel free to reach out to your account manager or drop your details below to get in touch with a member of the GradConnection team!