The Value of Forming Relationships with University Societies for Employers

Posted by Jessica Clarke

The Value of Forming Relationships with University Societies for Employers

What are Student Societies?

Student Societies and clubs are formed, lead and managed by collectives of students who share either academic or personal interests. Many student societies have sibling member groups, often referred to as “chapters” that independently hold events and meetings across different universities.

These societies often have long traditions and the leadership and management of the societies are passed down to new students as older students graduate and leave university (often to pursue graduate employment opportunities!).

Some, like the Chocolate or Wine societies (or my personal favourites “Lego Club” and “The Roller Derby Society”) may not hold too much value for employers who are looking at forming relationships with university student societies, however, all of the professional development societies are busting at the seam with proactive, highly driven and passionate students, most of whom are interested in pursuing a graduate career at the conclusion of their studies.

These students demonstrate through their participation and involvement qualities of leadership, teamwork, initiative and high achievement.

What Sort of Employer Related Events Do Student Societies Run?

Most of the employer related student run events, are specific to the industry or discipline the particular society is a part of.

85 Broads The University of Sydney Chapter, host an annual event titled “A Career You Can Bank On” that is run in a forum style environment, with the employer panellists presenting information on their program with a Q&A session to follow so students can ask questions.

While this event is designed specifically for young women interested in a career in banking and finance, and the employers who attend are seeking such students, there are many other societies that run employer- student events for every discipline.

The event concludes with canapés and an opportunity to network between employers and graduates. Forming these relationships can be invaluable for employers who are trying to connect with students.

Getting the Most Out of Student Run Events

Networking events with University student societies are a valuable way to connect with quality Graduates during your recruitment season. These events are organised, run and attended by some of the most proactive students who are interested in pursuing a graduate job at the conclusion of their studies.

Not only are they a great way to connect with students, but they are also a great way to see how other graduate employers are promoting their programs to attract talent.

There are also opportunities to sponsor student society run events. Naturally, the more a company can financially assist these societies, the better the events are funded, and the more students become involved.

Attending these events, talking and leaving can leave a negative impression of the company you are representing. So, your involvement as a company employer in forming relationships with student societies can be far more reaching than just handing over cash and hoping to get the right students to events. An ongoing affiliation with student societies creates continuity and the opportunity to mentor and inspire students.

How GradConnection Can Help You Connect with Student Societies

Part of the information we collect from our student members includes the societies they are affiliated with. If you are interested in getting in touch with a particular student society or discipline, we can most certainly point you in the right direction.

You can also go to individual university websites, and find lists and contact details of particular societies and directly approach them that way.


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