Fusion Graduate Consultancy recently had the pleasure of welcoming over 100 graduate industry professionals to their Innovation Lab events that ran in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.
GradConnection presented on how to create effective and engaging digital content that resonates with a Generation Z audience. Additionally, they shared advice and case studies to support employers in enhancing your online marketing strategy. Get in touch with them for the full presentation, insights and stats: [email protected].
As part of the Innovation Lab, Fusion shared a summary of the observations seen in the Australian graduate market in 2019. We coined this ‘deja vu with some disruption’. Some of the themes being consistent year-on-year and some representing new disruption to the early talent space in Australia.
Summary of Fusion’s key trends in the 2019 recruitment year:
- The power of the learning value proposition (LVP) – articulating what development a graduate receives when they join an organisation is the biggest draw for a potential recruit. Simply stating that a 70/20/10 ratio of on-the-job versus formal training is offered isn't sufficient. Aim to articulate what the exact (or previous) learning journeys have looked like
- Speed – potential graduate recruits have become more consumer driven in their approach to applying to positions. A selection process that is efficient and provides instant gratification whilst still providing job insight is highly appealing to generation Z talent.
- The human touch – whilst we typically think of generation Z as being generation technology, they still highly value ‘human’ interaction through the selection process. Seeking ways to implement (scalable) human touchpoints into graduate recruitment processes is becoming a differentiator for potential recruits
- Reneges – these are on the rise. Having a post-offer strategy (with budget to support) is becoming as important as having a developed attraction and recruitment strategy
- Stripping back of the process – Fusion has noted many employers becoming increasingly confident in removing (arguably unobjective) elements of their recruitment process that are not being utilised to inform hiring decisions. For example – are cover letters and CV’s really required if you have a well-built application form? Does it matter if an applicant has a credit average or a HD?
Looking ahead to the future:
As well as exploring the current, Fusion also looked into the future and predicted the following:
- Early student engagement will become commonplace – global research indicates that over 75% of university students make firm career decisions before their final year. Key message – the earlier you can engage with student talent, the greater the opportunity to influence those that may not have considered a career in your industry/at your organisation
- Diversity is becoming broader – think refugee, LGBTQI+ and social mobility hiring complimenting current focus areas
- Pathways into companies will be broader – this could include a true alternative pathway to university through a Higher Apprenticeship program or organisations strategically partnering with universities to influence the curriculum through a Sponsored Degree arrangement
------- About Author -------
Justin Fay, Fusion Graduate Consultancy
Justin is the Graduate Program Manager at Fusion Graduate Consultancy.
Fusion is Australia’s leading graduate recruitment and development outsource partner.
Fusion combines extensive knowledge of the graduate industry with their expertise in recruitment and development, and partner with employers to design and deliver customised graduate programs.