Are you one of the Top100 Most Popular Graduate Employers?

Posted by Resh Perera


For the third year running GradConnection in association with the Australian Financial Review (AFR) will be publishing the Top100 Most Popular Graduate Employer list.

Did your company make the Top100 list this year?

The provisional results show some interesting changes to the results from 2015, with some amazing leaps in ranks as well as some new entrants. And with just over a month left of data to collect who knows what could happen!

Each year this list is published on our website for all students to view as well in the Australian Financial Review (AFR), Australia’s primary source for business news. Excitingly, since last year, the GradConnection Top100 Employer feature within the AFR has grown from a 12 page pull out to a complete glossy magazine!

The GradConnection Top100 magazine provides a wide variety of options for advertising to promote your organisation and its success in the 2016 Top100 rankings.

If you have made the provisional Top100 rankings, a representative from the AFR will be in contact to organise a time to speak to you about the advertising opportunities.

If you would like to speak to someone sooner about this or would like to discuss the Top100 rankings and the AFR feature, please feel free to contact your GradConnection Account Manager or Resh on 0416 516 748 or [email protected]


Enter an employer or university you want to find in our search bar.