Attend Virtual University Career Fairs and Connect with Students Virtually

Posted by Wesley Thorne

As employers continue to sort through recruiting plans over the new months, we recognize the difficulty that restrictions have placed on your plans. We have reached out to our university career centre partners and are happy to provide information on a variety of virtual career fair events.

University of Queensland

Contact: Lauren Barker ([email protected]) - UQ Employer Liaison

National Diversity Virtual Careers Fair
20 August, 2020; 11 am – 2 pm

This year we’re collaborating with more than 20 universities across Australia, to host a joint virtual career fair to connect employers and students to discuss workplace initiatives that enhance inclusion. Given your organisations’ commitment to workplace diversity and inclusion, we’re pleased to invite you to exhibit at the fair.

Australia is fortunate to have an abundance of leadership driving the implementation of initiatives enhancing inclusion in the workplace. This National fair will provide organisations with the opportunity to discuss these programs and their employment opportunities directly with prospective employees. We invite organisations to present on key areas for this event:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Cultural and linguistic diversity
  • Disability and mental health
  • Gender
  • Sexuality, gender and sex
  • Veteran programs
  • Work and caring responsibilities
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Other initiatives that align with an organisation’s diversity and inclusion strategy


Online Employer Sessions

Present an online employer information session right from the comfort of your home or office. We will set-up a webinar via Zoom for you to connect with the UQ community. This provides an opportunity for your organisation to run a recruitment style presentation, panel style discussion or teach students on a particular topic.


The University of Sydney Business School

Careers and Employability Office

Contact: Grozdana Maric
[email protected] or 0420981839

Business School Careers Expo (free for employers)

Thursday 20 August, 1-4pm

Business School Careers Expo, A Careers Fair with a twist - students are shortlisted based on your recruitment needs, so you can have more targeted conversations! This event will be hosted by a virtual careers fair platform (gradGREENHOUSE) enabling you to have a booth, post job advertisements, browse student profiles, and more importantly have 1:1 chats with students via video. You can choose to simply upload promotional material, or you can include 1:1 chats for the whole 3 hours, or just 1 or 2 hours - we're very flexible and our aim is to connect you with our students in any way you wish!

Monash University

Contact: Marcus Pettinato
[email protected]

Monash University Virtual Careers Expo

August 5th and 6th

Join us for the Monash Careers Expo, Monash University’s largest annual careers event! Now in its tenth year, the Monash Careers Expo is one of Australia’s largest university careers and employment events. And in 2020 we are moving online to a Virtual Careers Expo, using a fully interactive platform that allows students and employers to customise their own Expo experience. The virtual Monash Careers Expo is an easy to navigate, visually immersive and interactive experience.

Monash Business School

Contact: Chris Keynes
[email protected]

Internship & Graduate Program sessions

These focused online sessions provide graduate employers with an opportunity to present to students on either specific employment pathways, or their business or industry more generally. No cost is involved. For more information, email [email protected]

Industry panel series

The Monash Business School runs industry panels throughout the year which focus on a variety of different professional topics. These are a great way for your organisations to interface with Monash students and promote your organisation more broadly. For more information, email [email protected]

Promotional Opportunities

Employers can promote their paid employment opportunities via our social media, email and web channels. No cost involved. For more information, email [email protected]

The Australian National University

ANU Careers

Contact: Skye Luton
[email protected]

Career Connect: Connecting students and employers locally and globally

13th August 2020 from 10am to 3pm

This year’s event is an extension to the previous years, ‘International in Focus’ which attracted over 750 ANU students. In 2020, Australia’s #1 University* invites both local and international organisations to be part of our event. This will provide your organisation the opportunity to connect with students and graduates from a variety of disciplines, both in Australia and abroad. It aims to create meaningful connections between employers and ANU students, connecting you virtually, wherever you are in the world. With live stream, pre-recorded content and virtual chat rooms available, you will be able to showcase your organisation, build awareness amongst our students, and promote your graduate and internship opportunities. (*QS World University Rankings 2018-19)

This event will utilise the platform, Whova.

ANU Careers

University of Wollongong

Careers Central

Contact: Bianca Simmons
[email protected]

UOW STEM Virtual Careers Expo 2020

12 August 2020

UOW is going virtual for 2020! Instead of a physical stand, the UOW STEM Virtual Careers Expo will have a unique virtual video room for each employer. From there, you can interact online with our talented UOW students coming into their final years of study. The Expo is designed to promote vacation work opportunities and internships over summer for students in their penultimate year of study. In 2019, we had over 700 Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths students in attendance, and with location and travel no issue in 2020, we are set for even more to join in this event. It's a great opportunity for you to put your brand front and centre among future recruits looking to solidify their future. It's free! Register now!

Host a student

We are looking for organisations to host students to complete a virtual internship/work placement. This will let the students gain real workplace experience, also known as Work Integrated Learning (WIL), and Careers Central offers several WIL subjects. We take care of the details such as student insurance cover, guidance on how to prepare for hosting a student, as well as supporting you throughout the internship/project to ensure success.

University of Technology Sydney

UTS Careers

Contact: Kathleen Connolly
[email protected]

Industry Info Sessions

Do you have an internship or graduate program you are wanting to promote to our students? We can help you host an online Industry Info Session webinar, and promote the event directly to our students.

UTS Careers

Networking Event - Accomplish Award

The UTS Accomplish Award is a year-long program designed to enhance students' employability success by helping them identify and articulate their skills, knowledge, and experience in an appropriate and professional way. Your partnership in the Accomplish Award not only encourages and supports our students, but it is also an opportunity to build brand awareness and meet UTS talent before your competitors.

UTS Careers

National Hiring Careers Fair

5 August, 1-3 pm

National Hiring Careers Fair UTS Careers is partnering with leading Australian universities to deliver the National Hiring Virtual Careers Fair 2020. The virtual fair aims to replicate the face-to-face fair experience for students and industry in an online setting. ‘Booths’ are replaced with unique video rooms for each industry representative to interact with and meet our students.

UTS Careers


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