Generation Z are the post-millennial demographic born after 1995. Like millennials, they can cop a bad rep for being disloyal, overly ambitious job-hoppers. The main causes for high turnover are low engagement, lack of career advancement opportunities, and insufficient recognition.
This generation have a different perspective than their parents and grandparents, so understanding their drivers will help you recruit a better fit and harness their talents to enhance your organisation and your grads’ careers.
Here are a few ways you can bring out the best in your Gen Z workforce.
Motivate them with purpose
Gen Zs are self-aware, have high EQ (emotional quotient) and a social conscience. They’re motivated by purpose and meaningful work. The more you’re able to connect Gen Zs to their job, their role, and their contribution to your organisation and the community, the more motivated, satisfied, and willing they’ll be to stay.
Work-life integration is the new lingo
The Gen Xers introduced work-life balance – a demand for flexible working conditions like, work-from-home, staggered office hours, and part-time positions.
Our younger generations will demand work-life integration – flexible working on the go, when and where they want; punch in on Saturday for a few hours from the comfort of their loungeroom!
We predict in the future there’ll be a move away from set office hours, towards deliverables-focused employment. You only need to look at the dramatic rise of the gig economy to realise the way we work is changing, and organisations must keep up with expectations if they want to attract and retain top talent.
It really is about career progression
Yes, millennial grads can seem overly ambitious and set on managing their own global division within 5 years – but don’t discard this as power hungry or entitled. This generation are willing to put in the hard work to get there, but they expect employers to provide a clear career path for them and to invest in their development.
We predict there’ll be a move away from authoritarian, hierarchical organisations into dynamic, collaborative structures where everyone is encouraged to contribute to the organisation’s mission, goals, and projects.
Cross-functional development will be encouraged so there’ll be more opportunities for side-steps and project work. Ongoing development is the expectation, here.
Gens Y & Z expect this not out of entitlement, but because of their underlying need to learn, grow, and evolve, which any organisation would be lucky to have in their employees!
Understand their motivators to improve engagement
Although each person is different, and we are talking generation stereotypes, when you understand their motivators, expectations, and natural talents, you can recruit better fit graduate employees and improve engagement and retention.
Are you getting ready to recruit? Get in touch with [email protected] to promote your next graduate opportunity with GradConnection.