How to Reach Students Via Universities?

Posted by Rita Biankin

With the restrictions around gatherings of large groups of people, this has unfortunately cause the cancellation of the majority of Careers Fairs and on campus events for this year.

We have reached out to our University Careers Service network and there are a range of offerings that have been put together.

University of Sydney

Business School

  • e-newsletter to students with updates of opportunities or openings to students
  • Facebook live sessions to our social closed group

Please reach out to arrange any of this and discuss further opportunities;

[email protected]


  1. Brand visibility – consider finding the right person to be profiled on our socials and the website
  2. Live Webinar options (presented live and students meet in person, available after April) (Option 5 or 6)
  3. Create your own Webinar and advertise the link here
  4. Socials – send me any images we can post on socials about your Career-related events/activities or job openings

For more information, please contact;

Daria Levachova - Manager, Employer Partnerships & Engagement
[email protected]
LinkedIn Daria Levachova

Australian National University

ANU will continue to engage with employers wanting to connect with our students, via webinars and virtual talks. Should you have any queries or would like to make contact, please reach out via;

E: [email protected]

The University of Western Australia

UWA are happy to schedule webinars or online presentations for employers with their students. Should you wish to do so, please reach out to;

Ryan Whiddett - Employer Engagement Adviser
UWA Careers and Employability
E [email protected]

The University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide Careers Industry Team is here to make sure you have all the right steps in place to engage with our students, no matter where you are based and what barriers currently stand between us.

Our team will talk through your unique needs and to get you started, we have a Digital Careers Engagement Checklist of handy tips for virtual engagement. We have options that are accessible from anywhere in the world. This means we're always here to support you and ensure your brand presence is strong - and growing.

Speak with us today

Deakin University

DeakinTALENT Connect is a digital careers fair that helps build your brand with students as soon as they start at the university. The Connect platform is used by students from year one, to challenge them to think broadly about their career options and allows students to learn more about what you have to offer as an employer. This link will show you the look and feel of the site, but the most important things to note are:

  • It directs each student back to your social media channels or websites so you can track them seamlessly;
  • There is NO maintenance involved at all! Once you are set up, you are done and this powerful branding tool will keep working for you 24/7.

To get set up on DeakinTALENT Connect for free please click here, or contact our Graduate Recruitment Services team directly and we will be happy to do it for you, all we need is a logo and your social media links.

Central Queensland University

CQUniversity All Disciplines Virtual Careers Fair
Date: Wednesday 25 March 2020
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free

Format: 20 minute presentation time via online webinar followed by the opportunity for Q&A in a break-out room. The event will be live but will also be recorded and made available to students via the CQUni CareerHub platform.

Register here:

Questions? Please contact:
Debby Hourston, Career Specialist - CQUni Careers [email protected]

Bond University

SCOUT – our university-wide online jobs board, a comprehensive online resource continually accessed by Bond students and alumni. We welcome organisations to connect with Bond’s best and brightest talent via this dynamic interchange to:

  • Position your company as a preferred employer by listing company profiles, career development pathways, other information and links.
  • Promote your industry and/or industry association as a potential career pathway by uploading an industry/association profile and links.
  • Advertise and promote your employment opportunities to Bond students and alumni.

If this may be of interest feel free to proceed to to register and upload information.

Griffith University

Griffith's Careers and Employment Service is eager to promote employers' Graduate Programs and other employment opportunities to our students.

Employers should not hesitate to contact our Unitemps Recruitment Consultants to discuss their recruitment needs:

Emilia Aleks T: 07 3735 7099 [email protected]
Bronwyn Ward T: 07 5552 7152 [email protected]

To organise social media promotion or webinars, please contact:

Elodi Jakupi: T: 07 3735 5345 [email protected]

If you need anything further, please let us know.

University of Technology Sydney

Life is changing and so are we. For now. At UTS Careers, we're currently in the process of creating virtual offerings and transitioning some of our face-to-face industry activities to an online environment. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore our existing online services, and keep an eye on your inbox for future updates.

We are here to help. If you would like to speak to someone regarding partnering with UTS, please call 02 9514 1471 or email [email protected].

Charles Darwin University

We offer a range of services for employers, including free advertising of job vacancies, graduate recruitment programs, internships, vacation employment and volunteer opportunities. Register your company on My Career Centre by clicking - Register or Login to My Career Centre

For any other enquiry or interest in attending CDU’s next virtual careers fair contact the team at [email protected]

Monash University


Monash Talent is a full-service recruitment agency specialising in graduate level roles. Our talent pool of Monash University graduates is exceptional, and we use the latest technologies to match candidates to your role and your organisation. We will take care of the work to deliver a shortlist of great-fit candidates for your business Further information:

For all your enquiries with connecting with Monash University students, or partnering with the Careers team please call (03) 9905 3151 or email [email protected]


You can advertise casual, part-time and full-time paid employment opportunities on our online jobs portal, Career Gateway. We especially encourage the listing of graduate programs, degree-related vacation employment, paid internships and other vacancies that provide Monash students with opportunities in their chosen fields.

Further information and registration:


We are able to email short plain text messages to students on your behalf (no attachments or logos, sorry). We can target specific disciplines so that only appropriate students receive your recruitment information.

Further information and booking:

Online Employer Information Sessions

Our students are hungry to learn from your expertise and your industry insights. Employer Information Sessions enable your business or organisation to engage directly with the Monash population, providing an excellent opportunity to advise students of employment opportunities and graduate programs relevant to their field of study.

Further information and booking:


We can post or share your career-related opportunities on our Career Connect Facebook page for free. Posts can include direct links to your website or program, an image or a video. The best engagement with our audience is when text is kept brief, informal and accompanied by an image or video. Please note that we cannot guarantee that the followers of our page are only Monash students or eligible to apply for your programs. Please allow a reasonable turnaround time for us to place your post. Send your copy, image and link to [email protected]

Faculty of IT

  1. In each week of semester, we distribute a student newsletter. To include any opportunities or activities, please email Nicole
  2. In the week commencing Monday16th March we launched our inaugural free virtual career expo. We had over 1100 students registered to participate. Students were able to:
    • visit 41 employer virtual booths and engage with digital content like videos, documents & presentations to assist in their graduate and intern job search
    • view and apply for graduate and internship positions
    • view webinars
    • interact with recruiters and recent graduates from participating employers via text, audio and video chat.

If you would like to register your interest in participating in future IT Expo's please contact Nicole via email.

Nicole Frankel - Student Engagement and Employability Manager
E: [email protected]

Monash Business School

Monash are now offering Employer Information Sessions online to comply with the social distance policy.
We are moving our employer sessions to webinars for Sem 1. Any employers who are interested in connecting with students of Australia's business school can learn more by emailing:

La Trobe University

In light of the current climate and government advice, we have moved our 2020 Careers Showcase from a physical space to a virtual platform. To find out more, please contact;

Rana, Bishwas
Employer Engagement Adviser
Student Success (Employability & WIL)
La Trobe University | Bundoora, VIC 3086 | Australia
M: 0427 819 004
E: [email protected] | W:

Curtin University

Curtin University will continue to facilitate industry engagement with our students, all information sessions will be delivered virtually. If your organisation would like to consider this as a viable option, feel free to contact the Recruit Curtin Team:

Recruit Curtin – Student Development
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9266 5627

If you are a University and would like to feature in this list, please provide details to me on [email protected]

The University of Queensland (UQ)

Is your organisation looking for ways to meaningfully connect with the future workforce? Advertise your job opportunities using UQ’s free online jobs boards, engage with students through online webinars, promote opportunities and online events which aim to enhance inclusion in your organisation.

Speak to us today about our virtual services!

Careers and Employability Team

E: [email protected] W:

Business, Economics and Law (BEL) Student Employability Team

E: [email protected] W:

Engineering, Architecture and IT (EAIT) Student Employability Team

E: [email protected] W:

MBA Careers and Professional Development Team

E: [email protected] W:

University of Wollongong

UoW are offering online employer presentations. Similar to a physical equivalent, the employer presents and students log on with their own computer to watch.

The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne Careers & Employability Team want to connect you with students, faculties and service offerings. If you are hosting or interested in participating in any of the following activities, please contact us today!

Targeted emailsOnline mentoring of studentsRemote Projects/Internships
Promotion of your own virtual eventsAdvertising in student e-newsletterRemote/Online Case Competitions
Webinars with studentsMarketing to students via digital platformsOther remote student/industry engagement programs and learnings

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you, your families and teams are staying happy and healthy during these challenging times!

E: [email protected]

T: +61 3 9035 5983




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