4 Psychometric Testing Must-Knows for Graduates

Posted by GradConnection

Have a psychometric test coming up in your grad application and not sure what to expect? Abigail Scott, Managing Director - APAC, of award-winning online assessment platform, Sova shares four of her top tips to make sure you go in as prepared as possible! 

1. Find a quiet environment 

There are already so many components to a psychometric test – and you don’t need distracting background noise to be another one of them! Try to find a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed throughout the duration of your assessment. 

2. Make sure you have good internet connection 

There’s nothing worse than having your progress wiped in the middle of a task, let alone a timed psychometric test with a lengthy list of questions. Ensure you complete the assessment with a good, stable internet connection to minimise the chance of any loss of work.  

3. Use online resources to practice and prepare 

Getting to know the different kinds of psychometric tests can put you ahead of the game. There are plenty of preparation materials online – check out Sova’s Candidate Preparation Hub for all you need to know about psychometric assessments, as well as some practice questions for you to try out! 

4. Double, triple check instructions 

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and understand them before you start the test - it might sound like a no-brainer, but every psychometric test is unique, and you don’t want to be caught out by any loopholes! 

Looking for more tips? Check out our ultimate guide to psychometric testing preparation. 

Sova is an award-winning assessment online assessment platform that guarantees fair, equitable outcomes from assessment, without compromising on anything else.


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