How to Get a Graduate Job at a Careers Fair

Posted by GradConnection

What is a careers fair?

A careers fair is an event that usually goes for a day - though sometimes they can run for a couple - where students can meet and network with employers and graduate recruiters. It gives students the opportunity to ask questions, gather insights on what a range of career pathways look like, and potentially even land a job! They often take place on university campuses, but virtual careers fairs have also become a popular option. 

Why should you go to a careers fair?

Careers fairs are a great way to gain an understanding about various graduate programs, jobs, and internships that you might not have considered or known about before! It’s a day to learn about what recruiters expect, potentially earn some tips for applying for programs, and also gain some confidence talking to some of your future employers - so when the time comes to apply, you’re stress-free. 

There’s also typically free food and activities, which for uni students is a must! More than that, it’s a great way for students to meet some of their fellow peers and make the most of face-to-face networking and collaboration opportunities.

How do you prepare for a careers fair?

In-person careers fairs

Doing your research is a great way to prepare for a careers fair. Universities typically advertise what companies will be attending, so it’s in your best interest to see what they’re all about before you meet them. That way, you’re able to ask informed questions you’ve prepared in advance, and can demonstrate that you’re passionate enough about the company that you looked into them in your own time.

Being able to summarise yourself and your skills in a short amount of time for recruiters is another important skill you should bring to careers fairs. The best way to do this is to write a short pitch about yourself before the event and memorise it, so when recruiters ask you about yourself, you’re ready to go with your top skills, passions, and experience.

For more, see our ultimate guide on how to prepare for a careers fair.

Virtual careers fairs

The first thing to keep in mind for virtual careers fairs is that the way you dress still matters -  just because you’re joining in from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress to impress. Making sure your internet connection is also crucial - there’s nothing worse than freezing up on screen! But most importantly, try to get as involved as possible: make the most of it by asking questions and making conversation with recruiters. 

For more tips, we’ve already prepared a guide on how to maximise virtual careers fairs!

Questions you should ask

There’s lots going on at careers fairs, so to ensure you make the most of your day, remember to ask questions! It shows that you’re interested, engaged and passionate, which are all things recruiters are looking for. 

Some great ways to start are by asking questions about a role you might be interested in: for example, ask what skills the recruiters are looking for in students and graduates for that role. From there, you can move into what the hiring process is like, opportunities for growth, the company culture, and anything else you might think of. 

If you’re still stuck, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide with examples of what questions you should ask at careers fairs!

How to find careers fairs/careers fairs near me?

The easiest way to find out about careers fairs near you is to head to your university events and careers websites. You can also check out our annual Meet the Employers networking events that are held in February/March and July. 

If you’ve already got a specific employer in mind, you can jump straight to any networking events by filtering to 'Event' using the job type filter on our site! Check out the events available in your nearest city now:


Enter an employer or university you want to find in our search bar.