Questions to Ask at the End of Your Grad Role Interviews

Posted by GradConnection

There are lots of ways you can get yourself prepared for assessment centres and grad program interviews. One that’s easy to forget is putting together some questions to ask the recruiters at the end of your interview. Luckily we’ve got you covered with this one-stop guide for what questions you should be asking in those graduate program interviews! Read on to see what employers hope to hear from you.

Why should you ask questions at the end of your graduate interview?

Asking questions at the end of your graduate interview can show employers that you’re prepared and genuinely interested in the role you’re applying for. Depending on what questions you ask, they can signal that you’ve taken the initiative to do some research about the company and the role, and that you’re eager to find out more.

Alternatively, not asking questions can make you seem ill-prepared and even uninterested in the role, which is why it’s a good idea to go to every interview prepared with a few questions up your sleeve!

What questions are graduate employers hoping to hear?

Support and Development Questions:

These kinds of questions will help you find out whether there are opportunities for development, which can show that you’re eager to grow with the company. They’ll also give you an idea of what support you could be offered in the role. It is, however, important to note how you frame these questions - for example, simply asking something like “When will I get promoted?” can come off as arrogant! Here are some alternative ways to ask these sorts of questions:

  • What kind of support would I be able to access for my professional development?
  • How do you support new graduates when they are starting with you?
  • What advice would you give to someone about to start working with your company?
  • How do you help your team members grow professionally?

Work Structure and Experience:

Questions about the work structure and experience are designed to help you find out more about the role itself, which can show that you’re interested to learn, and genuinely care about the role and company. It can also help you inform your decision about the role, as you can find out things beyond what was included in the job description.

  • Generally, how does a team work in [company name/team name/area]?
  • What kind of projects would I be part of?
  • What would be the initial challenges for a new grad in this role?
  • What would an average day look like in this role?
  • What types of projects are grads usually involved in at [company name]?
  • How would you describe the culture here?

Questions Specific to the Interviewer:

Asking questions specific to your interviewer can come in handy, particularly if they’ve been at the company for a while. It’s a good opportunity to turn the tables and really gauge what the company culture is like. For these kinds of questions, doing your research is key to find out as much as possible about the company and the recruiters. 

  • How did you start with this company? This is a good one to show personal interest in the person interviewing you
  • Why have you stayed at [company name] for so long? What has kept you interested and engaged with them?
  • What do you enjoy the most about working here?
  • What kind of projects are you currently working on?
  • Could you please expand on what you mentioned about growth plans/company vision/etc?

Good Questions to End With:

These are your closer questions to cap off the interview and leave a good lasting impression! This is where you can ask about the next steps in the application process, and if there’s anything else you can do to make the process run smoothly. 

  • Is there anything I can do to prepare for the next step in the recruitment process?
  • What would be the next steps in the recruitment process?

Our parent company, SEEK, has also put together a fun video to help you decide on questions to ask recruiters! Watch it below:

Still looking for more advice on interview prep? Check out these top 20 questions employers might ask YOU at grad interviews, and top tips on how to remain calm in an interview. 


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