Study Tips To Get You Started

Posted by GradConnection

If you had a hard time with studying throughout the year for exams, here’s a chance to start anew with a few study tips that could get you focused and adjusted to your preferences. There are also three different learning styles which are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK), and these are the main learning styles that people can be categorised in. To study more effectively, it would be easier for you and best if you knew your learning style. Knowing your learning style will help you figure out what way is best for you when you want to study.

Visual learners use their sense of sight to learn. Tips for visual learners would be to use colours in your notes such as different coloured pens or highlighters to highlight the key points. Drawing diagrams, flow charts or mind maps would also be helpful for visual learners as well as post-it notes to visualise the material you need to study for

Auditory learners learn best by using their sense of hearing. These kind of learners would find it easier when listening to what they need to study to absorb the materials. A few tips for auditory learners is to read your notes aloud, forming discussion groups to talk and listen with others about the materials as well as recording key points to listen to during your study time

Kinaesthetic learners learn through experiences by taking action and moving. As a kinaesthetic learner, a few methods to study is by rewriting notes to memories the material as well as role-play, building models and even making actions for keywords

These are the three learning styles that you can get acquainted with if you haven’t already. There are many online tests where you can quiz yourself on which learning style suits you the most and from there, you can adjust yourself to be able to study in a way that suits your preferences. Once you know what learning style suits you the best, these are some general tips on what to do to get you started.

1. Make Time

Give yourself time to study and don not leave it until last minute and although most students strive to cram information in last minute, it's not the best way to approach an exam. Setting out a timetable and organising your time daily on when to study will allow you to have a balanced time to lessen the stress.

2. Plan Your Time

To make time means you to take action to plan the time you want to study to make the most of the time you’ve made. There are a few ways in planning how and what you want to study by setting alarms to set as a reminder, using a wall planner, making a to-do list, and also to set time limits as to not overwork yourself in studying and give yourself time for a break.

Using wall planners would help you organise your study time with your own time, making sure to mark the important dates and block out any other event. A weekly to-do list would also help you organise what you can get done within the time you set yourself for as well as a to-do list during your study time to know what you should be doing within the time and aim to get it done.

3. Review and Revise

To review what you’ve learnt can help you refresh your memory and understand what you’ve learnt. You can quiz yourself over key ideas of a subject with a help of a friend or family member which is a great way to help memorise what you’ve learnt. Another way is to revise is by making your own study materials such as flash cards of quiz questions which helps you study while you make them and also when you use them. You could also try explaining your answers to other people that don’t understand the subject.

This way, it’ll show that you understand what you’ve learnt. Another way to review and revise is to take out any old exams that you have taken that has the needed materials. This way you can take a look back at your answers and improve them or even redo the test and answer the questions to refresh your memory and see if you still remember what you have learnt by comparing them to your answers before

There are other external ways during your study time that would help such as keeping yourself motivated, asking for help and also making sure you’re keeping yourself healthy.

Stay Motivated

Worst case scenario is that you’re no longer motivated to study, risking your grade. While studying, try to keep in mind for why you’re doing what you’re doing and make a goal for yourself such as a certain career you would like to get into after studying. Reminders and inspirational quotes could be of help, but you could also try talking to family or a friend that could keep you motivated and bring your spirits up

Ask for Help

Studying alone can be stressful, so make sure to ask for help. If you don’t understand something that may be essential to what you’re studying in, don’t be afraid to ask your lecturer or a classmate to help you understand

Stay Healthy

Sometimes when it comes to the deadline, you tend to focus too much on studying and forget to eat and sleep, which becomes a problem. Make sure to get enough rest and remember to eat. What people call ‘brain food’ is believed to stimulate the brain, nutritious food such as fish, nuts, yoghurt and blueberries have been proven to help with concentration and memory. Also remember to drink a lot of water to keep the brain working and stay away from junk food as, although they taste great, they cause slow reaction


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