Who is stealing all your Graduates?

Posted by Mike Casey

Our employer branding rivals are often not nearly as obvious as you would think. Who is lurking in the corner convincing great students to apply to them and then snatching them from you at the last possible moment?

We have been doing a lot of analysis around this exact topic and have come up with some really interesting data that will make you think twice about how you pitch your employer brand to students.

We can now tell you exactly who your major competitors are, by showing you which organisations your applicants also applied.

Competitor Analysis

EmployerPercent age of Applications Shared
Aurecon (Australia)48
BHP Billiton (Australia)36
BP (Australia)33
Deloitte (Australia)26
KPMG (Australia)26
Anglo American Coal (Australia)26
Chevron (Australia)26
Woodside (Australia)24
Arrium (Australia)24
Wood Mackenzie (Australia)22
Suncorp Group (Australia)20
PwC (Australia)17
Unilever (Australia)17
Worley Parsons (Australia)14
Origin (Australia)13
KBR (Australia)13

The table above is our competitor analysis of a medium sized graduate program in the resources industry. What we can see is that nearly half of all the people that applied to this employer also applied to Aurecon!

But what is the real surprise is that professional services firms like KPMG and Deloitte are also sharing a quarter of this resource company’s applications. This would tend to indicate that their employer brand is really starting to target engineering disciplines effectively and that this employer not only should be pitching their employer brand against other engineering and mining companies, but also looking at what is attractive about these non-traditional engineering employers.

Employers - want your report?

Easy! Just contact us and we will get you a full report with a number of stats on your applications from us, and who your own competitor analysis.

Universities - want your report?

Contact us to find out what employers are the most popular employers for your students, broken down by discipline. This data can help you figure out who you should target to come to campus frequently.

National Rankings!

At the AAGE conference this year we will be doing our presentation on exactly what employers performed best for each discipline on both a national and state basis, so make sure you come along and check it out and see where you sit amongst the competition.

There will also be a quiz with some great prizes to those who can pick the best performing employer brands this year.

If you can’t wait until then, please hit us up now and we can tell you exactly where you sat out of the 200 employers on our site in each discipline you target.



Enter an employer or university you want to find in our search bar.